all postcodes in DE12 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE12 7AA 18 1 52.685558 -1.533321
DE12 7AB 29 0 52.685833 -1.532342
DE12 7AD 5 0 52.685981 -1.53345
DE12 7AE 22 0 52.686888 -1.533345
DE12 7AF 5 0 52.687335 -1.532474
DE12 7AG 6 0 52.687872 -1.531935
DE12 7AH 56 8 52.681909 -1.533531
DE12 7AJ 38 23 52.682042 -1.523803
DE12 7AL 10 0 52.682493 -1.531017
DE12 7AN 1 0 52.681399 -1.540835
DE12 7AP 25 13 52.672183 -1.540577
DE12 7AQ 24 0 52.685865 -1.53135
DE12 7AR 5 0 52.67533 -1.545439
DE12 7AS 31 0 52.68284 -1.534741
DE12 7AT 6 0 52.682551 -1.534418
DE12 7AU 14 0 52.683741 -1.532882
DE12 7AW 11 0 52.677707 -1.541717
DE12 7AX 3 0 52.68372 -1.534376
DE12 7AY 6 0 52.706532 -1.502594
DE12 7BB 45 2 52.683916 -1.536356